
Get permanent residence in Romania

A permanent residence permit is the next step after a residence permit, which opens up more opportunities for the applicant. This document will allow you to continuously live in Romania, carrying out activities (your own enterprise, official work, etc.). Permanent residence can be obtained only after a stay of 5 years with residence permit status.

Visa-free travel within the European Union

Travel without a visa across the European Union and other countries.


    Enter the educational institutions of Romania and then get permanent residence status in the country.

      Legal employment

      Work officially in Romania, getting the same rights as the citizens of the state.

        Tax benefits

        Entrepreneurs have the right to tax incentives for opening and developing a firm.

          Own business

          Register your own company and expand it in the international arena.

            Family relocation

            Relatives of residents and citizens of the country can move to you and get a residence permit.

              Grounds for obtaining a document for permanent residence

              Choose the most convenient program for obtaining permanent residence for yourself. This can be naturalization (a long process that can take more than 8 years), family reunification (for citizens and recipients of the country whose close relatives want to move) and much more.

              Global Freeman company is committed to helping foreigners successfully move to another country and process all the necessary documents. We will find the right grounds for you and settle all legal issues.

              What documents are required from an applicant?


              Health insurance

              Photocopy of foreign passport

              Certificate of good conduct

              Proof of sufficient financial support

              Real estate lease/purchase agreement

              Global Freeman will help you

              Our company was created so that you can seamlessly draw up documents and move to the selected country.

              You can write to us in the messenger